Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Week One EOC: My Voice

I guess you could say I’m a typical 18-year-old girl. I spend probably way too much time on Instagram and not going to lie, I have more than a few selfies saved on my phone. Yet I am more than just some 18-year-old girl. I have a passion for fashion, which I know it’s cheesy to say, but it’s completely true. I absolutely love the idea of fashion and discovering new looks. I’m not a designer and prefer not to create new looks, rather I love figuring out ways to make these designs work and sell. I’m not the one who grew up in a major fashion city, or a city at all. Instead I lived in a small town, which had absolutely no fashion sense. You didn’t see designers, rather you saw cowboy boots, camo, and hoodies. Which I think inspired me to find fashion in different ways. I may not be huge in the fashion industry yet, but I will be. It takes years of dedication, which I definitely have. So maybe I am an average 18-year-old, but I am also a girl who is going to make it huge in the fashion industry…You just wait and see!

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